Unlocking Value in International Markets
Albright Capital successfully navigates international markets, discovering and unlocking value across a wide range of instruments and situations.
Since inception in 2005, we have delivered positive results over a challenging period, which included the Global Financial Crisis and the significant decline in emerging market currencies since 2011.
Our process incorporates macro and micro risk and opportunity factors. Importantly, we go beyond orthodox assumptions of sovereign, political, and ESG risk, emphasizing instead a principled and pragmatic case-by-case assessment, including at the project or company level.
Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was a founder of Albright Capital. She served as Chair and named partner from inception in 2005 until her passing March 23, 2022, and the firm continues to carry her name and seeks to reflect her values.

“ACM is a continuation of the founders’ commitment to the promotion of economic development, reduction of worldwide poverty, creation of a middle class, and growth of effective democracies.”
— Albright Capital Statement of Values (October 2005)
Our team has the skills, perspective and experience necessary to navigate Global/EM markets.
We have invested to varying degrees in approximately 50 situations, of which 21 grew to target size. A selection of current portfolio companies is below.
Contact Us
1101 Wilson Blvd., 6th Floor
Arlington, VA 22209
(202) 370-3500